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The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance
An Empirical Study of the Extent of Ethical Business Practices in Selected Industries in India

Ethics refers to moral demands regarding the business and is based on a theory of the relationship between business and society. Ethics is a good business investment that generates trust and confidence between the parties and in turn guarantees long-term performance. Corporate identity is formed in the way a company manages the stakeholder claims through its values and actions. This paper attempts to define different nonfinancial parameters of ethical identity based on corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and sustainability and measure the extent of ethical practices followed in selected companies based on these parameters. Using Kruskal Wallis analysis, it was found that there is a significant difference between different industries in following and reporting ethical practices in India.


Ethical business identity is becoming an important feature of intrinsic value to business. The reforms in government regulation, increasing scrutiny by the media and the mounting stress of different stakeholders have brought business ethics on strategic agenda of all sections of society. Business ethics refers to moral demands regarding the business and is based on the theory of the relationship between business and society at large. A major responsibility of business ethics focuses on identifying ways to reconcile strategic issues of the company with the moral responsibility and commitment to stakeholders. Ethics is a good business investment that generates trust and confidence between the parties and in turn guarantees long-term performance (Hosmer, 1994).

Ethics covers moral, social and legal issues and using ethical analysis as a component of the decision would result in better use of company resources as well (Areal and Carvalho, 2012). If the business houses want to exist in the long term, they have to follow sound, rational and logical basis for ethical decision making. The companies those follow business ethics responsibly would be able to achieve ultimate success than those that are only motivated by immediate profits. When the only objective of a business is to make profit, it may be able to achieve its short-term objectives, but may lose its advantage and goodwill in the long-term.


Corporate Governance Journal, Corporate Ethical Identity, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Triple Bottom Line, Extent of Ethical Business Practices, Industries, India.